Space Screens are attached to televisions, computers, car instrument panels, etc. Each device constantly emits electromagnetic waves, which are negative energy, and cause great stress to the eyes of people working or driving.
◆The frequency of the electromagnetic waves is very high, so they can cause great damage to the eyes. Attach the Space Screen in front of each piece of equipment you are using so that it faces you. The Space Screen affects a wide 135-degree range, changing the frequency of the electromagnetic waves that fly between each piece of equipment and the human body from 2.4 GHz to a frequency of 100 to 150 Hz, which is the same as the human body. This minimizes the damage to the eyes caused by electromagnetic waves.
◆The design of this space screen imitates the human figure. From the viewpoint of improving balance, the human body is divided into five parts: the head, the right half of the body (upper part from the navel), the left half of the body (upper part from the navel), the right foot (lower part from the navel), and the left foot (lower part from the navel). The patterns on the surface represent the vibrational frequency of the organs and organs of each part. In other words, the human body becomes distorted and sick when these five parts are inactivated.